Hettie Simpson


Nutrition became a key interest of mine after a year at university of battering my body with alcohol and surviving off pasta, a lifestyle which left me feeling far from my best. After making the commitment to get a hold of my health, I began my journey into the life of the gym, which eventually led me to Powerlifting. Along the way, I was on a mission to sift through the reams of confusing nutritional misinformation in the health and fitness world – my academic background gave me the foundations to identify the red flags and the drive to widen my knowledge of nutrition and human behaviour.
With an MSc in Nutrition and Public Health, and a background previously working in public health nutrition, I stepped into the world of personalised nutrition with a Level 4 certification in Nutrition for Weight Management and Athletic Performance. 
Having begun as a competitive powerlifter myself 2 years ago and becoming BDFPA National Champion in 2022, I have now worked with athletes from a range of sport including powerlifting, strongman, jiu-jitsu, and rugby to improve performance, optimise recovery, manage body weight and composition, and perfect competition & match day strategies.

I also coach casual gym-goers and recreational exercisers to improve wellbeing and achieve personal goals. My approach focusses on developing a greater understanding of the purpose of nutritional strategies, leaving clients empowered and able to sustain their new behaviours confidently & independently. My aim is to guide as many people as possible to a life where they feel healthier, more comfortable and in control of their food choices, no longer ruled by the scales, and able to enjoy all their favourite things without restriction or guilt. 
A variety of coaching options are available, including nutritional analysis and personalised action plans, as well as PAYG 3 month packages.