Rhi Wain


I have played rugby since I was 5 years old through various age groups, representing county, regional, and English Colleges. I was always comfortable on a rugby pitch, but my biggest struggle was what to do off it. I didn't set foot in a commercial gym until I was in my twenties and I wouldn't dream of going anywhere near a squat rack or picking up a dumbbell any heavier than 5kg.
Having struggled with my own self confidence I know how difficult it can be to find acceptance - but I eventually found this within the gym. My knowledge has grown with my love of exercise over the last few years and I want to share that passion and knowledge with you. 
I am very excited to be part of the JC Strength Academy team as this is a great environment for me to progress as a personal trainer. I have a fantastic opportunity to further my knowledge and ensure the training I deliver to clients is truly personal to them and their goals.

I believe in finding the right balance to get lasting results and I do that by drawing on my own personal experience. I am here to help give you the confidence you need in the gym, and the support out of it as well. What I love about the JC Strength Academy is the supportive atmosphere which is perfect for anyone who may be anxious when stepping foot into a new environment. Trust me, I've been there.
I am well and truly retired from rugby now, but I am a firm believer that you are never too old to try something new! In the last year I have started bouldering, as well as learning the delicate art of powerlifting!